Friday, February 13, 2015

Auto Insurance Rate Increase? The Actual Causes

Auto Insurance rate increase is always as a result of some common factors, It would be very nice if auto insurance rates never increase, Many people blame the premium increase due to inflation, Yes is one of the major reasons but there are many components that contribute toward increase in auto insurance rating, such as the cost of litigation which tends to increase overtime will always affect your rates.
Costs like attorney fees, legal fee, court costs as well as pther related expenses which has been on an increase every decades as a result will put strain on car insurance rate. Also the hourly cost attached to court facilities and other items are a good case study for the car insurance rate increase.
Perhaps, i may say that the easiest way yo get your car insurance rate increase is by at-fault accident which is not always intentional but in most case your rate will increase. The driver involved or the car itself will see and increase of about 10%-20% It car insurance rate increase will be more substantial if the accident involved a youthful driver.

Note that multiple at-fault increases the rate, thou if the accident is not your fault you should be able to avoid increase. Another Important factor that can force your auto insurance rate up (car insurance premium) is moving violations. Though in some cases a single violation may not be any issue but one or more ticket can be a problem, especially if they all happen within three years. Some of the moving violation that can cause an increase are school zone speeding, hit and run, DUI as well as reckless operation of a vehicle.
Factors like at-fault accident and moving violation can as well cause loss of discount so as a result of the increase rate you will loss discount which will as well add up to premium charge. so the best auto insurance rate tips is to drive slowly and cautious.


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